Unlike traditional solutions like dentures or bridges, implants are self-supporting and don't require adjacent teeth as anchors. This makes the treatment less invasive and more comfortable.
Implants are also incredibly durable, won't affect your speech or eating habits, and don’t need to be removed for cleaning. Best of all, they can restore your smile and boost your confidence by looking as natural as your real teeth.
The difference will amaze you.
The process for multiple implants is similar to that of a single implant, but is performed in two or more locations.
We place titanium screws in the areas where teeth are missing, allow time for healing, and then attach permanent crowns.
Within about three months, your new teeth will look, feel, and function just like your natural ones—offering the closest alternative to real teeth available today.
Dental implants transmit chewing forces to the jaw, stimulating it and halting the bone loss associated with missing teeth.
Dental Implants do not require the grinding down of healthy teeth for abutments.
Implants restore the ability to chew properly, allowing a complete and healthy diet.