Family treatments at Gentle Dental
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At Gentle Dental you have the freedom to choose. The majority of our patients choose to avail of our Dental Membership Plan.

Our Practice Membership plan offers a simple, flexible way to pay for your dental care. In return for a nominal monthly payment we provide you with a comprehensive programme of maintenance, prevention and treatment.

  • 2 examinations per year
  • 2 hygiene treatments per year with either our hygienist or your dentist
  • Dental x-rays as required
  • ELIGIBILITY to request assistance from the Worldwide Dental Emergency Assistance Scheme*
  • 20% discount on all dental treatment including cosmetic
  • 10% off all dental products

Your dental and oral health is crucial to your general well being and appearance and should always be a priority to you. Using our membership plan you ensure that this aspect of your health is ‘taken care of’ and you are being proactive in ensuring:

  • Regular dental and oral health checks
  • Screening for oral cancer
  • Optimum dental and gum health
  • Early diagnosis of problems
  • Less complex and therefore less expensive treatment

We would be delighted to welcome you into the Gentle Dental membership plan.

For further information please contact one of our reception staff or ask your dentist.

Please feel free to speak to your dentist or a member of staff for full details on the right plan for you.


028 4175 2220




Q. How do I join?

Joining is simple - complete the direct debit mandate and registration form at reception. The monthly amount will be collected on the 1st of every month. Direct debit is simple, safe and a great way of budgeting for your essential dental needs and you are covered by the direct debit guarantee.

Q. What happens next?

Our dental plan is administered by a local management company Practice Plan . When you become a member, our welcome team will provide you with a copy of the Worldwide Dental Emergency Assistance Scheme Handbook, a copy of Practice Plans Privacy Policy and a copy of your plan registration agreement. You should then receive notification from Practice Plan detailing your registration number and monthly payment.

Q. How will I recognise the payment on my bank statement?

Your monthly repayment will be shown as Practice Plan . Gentle Dental will not appear on your statement as we have contracted Practice Plan to administer our membership plan.

Q. Who do I notify if my bank details change?

You should contact Practice Plan who will liaise with you regarding your change in details. Contact details will be provided to you when you receive confirmation of your membership.

Q. What happens if my circumstances change?

You may terminate your membership by giving one calendar month’s notice to both the practice and Practice Plan .

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