Dental hygiene treatments are one of the best and easiest ways to maintain the health of your teeth and gums. By gently scaling and polishing your teeth, a dental hygienist can remove deposits of plaque- a leading cause of decay, bad breath, staining and bleeding gums- and help keep them free from plaque in the future.
Our highly trained hygienist not only cleans your mouth and diagnoses any gum disease or inflammation (gingivitis) but will also motivate you to maintain high standards of care on a daily basis. By following their detailed and personalised instructions you can lengthen the lifespan of your teeth and promote basic overall wellness.
Our hygienist will be able to advise you on correct cleaning techniques and will recommend the correct products to aid effective cleaning.
Gum disease is a generic term for the swelling, soreness or infection of tissues (gums) supporting the teeth. There are two main types of gum disease: gingivitis which means a general inflammation of the gums, and periodontal disease which infects not only the gum but also the bone beneath it.
Teeth are attached to this bone by microscopic fibres and if the periodontal disease process continues these fibres are destroyed, creating a ‘pocket’ of loose gum around the tooth. The deeper the pocket, the worse the periodontal disease. Leaving it untreated is a common cause of tooth loss.
Unfortunately, periodontal disease can never be ‘cured’. You can, however, through a good dental health routine, stop the disease from progressing. This is why regular check-ups by your dentist and hygienist are so important.
Your dentist will do a thorough check-up of your teeth and gums and will measure the ‘cuff’ of gum around each tooth to check for signs of periodontal disease. Sometimes x-rays will be taken to see how much, if any, bone has been lost.
If any gum disease has been found, your teeth will be thoroughly cleaned and you will be shown how to protect your teeth and gums from further build up of plaque.
Yes! We recommend a small brush called an interdental brush. These brushes come in different sizes to allow you to clean between all of your teeth. Cleaning between teeth is very important because food and debris can easily get lodged in these spaces and by removing it you not only protect your teeth but you will help keep your breath fresh and reduce your chances of decay and gum disease. Interdental brushes should be part of your normal daily brushing and flossing routine.